- NIF Registration: Anyone who lives in Portugal, must have a NIF. Without a NIF, you will not be able to perform such operations as buying property or opening a bank account in Portugal, getting a loan, or signing a mobile phone contract. We can set get the NIF on your behalf
- Bank Account: set up of a bank account for you
- Health Center Registration: registration to health centre so you and your family can access public health care
- Housing Search: we help you find the best agent for you, help you locate the best properties and locations according to your needs (rent or buy)
- Utilities Set Up: set up water, electricity, mobile phone and internet
- Insurance:renter, owner and/or private health
- Schools: find a school according to your needs and your kids requirements (language, education level..)
- Moving Assistance: help with finding best moving company for your needs, support in receiving the move (furniture etc), customs etc (excludes costs of move)
- Pet Moving Assistance: help with finding best moving company for your pet, support in receiving your pet, customs etc (excludes costs of move)